[ServletException in:/common/search.jsp] Define tag cannot set a null value' Puppies For Parole Profile

ELEPHANT ROCKS (ROCKY) is available for adoption from:

2320 PINE ST.
ST. LOUIS MO 63103
(314) 771-6121
   SHARI BANEY   (314) 771-6121


18701 US HIGHWAY 66
PACIFIC MO 63069 3526
   JAMES CULBREATH   (636) 257-3322



Small (25 lbs or less)

Young (3 Years 2 Months)



Rocky came here in March 2023. Upon arrival, rocky did not know how to do anything. He has since learned all the basics such as sit, down, shake, paw, high five, sit pretty, and rollover. Once Rocky gets attached to someone he is extremely loyal.

Date Status Status Comment
08/25/2023 Available